It may be impossible to be a Canadian and not love Anne of Green Gables.  

Add that to my latest obsession with printables, and we’ve got ourselves some lovely printable wall art, and really, I couldn’t be happier about it.


I am so glad I live in a world where there are octobers free printable wall art

Love Octobers Wall Art – Just click to get your free pdf

A World Where There Are Octobers

Anne Shirley sure did have it right.  There is so much to love about Octobers!  The colour, the atmosphere, the change of the season.  We can get excited about the stuff we’re going to do next, and we can also start to relax about the stuff we didn’t quite get to finish yet.  Even though it’s busy with garden clean up, harvests, and food storage ( thinking Canningpalooza) and holidays ( Thanksgiving in Canada and Halloween), we can sort of settle on the fact that some things will have to wait until spring.

Fall Decor and Art Projects and Printable Wall Art 

Fall is also a great time for changing things up – adding new decor items, and crafting up new gems. I know I have big plans ( more like hopes and dreams at this point) to redo several of the rooms in my house with a fresh coat of paint and some fun decor items – and as small step in the right direction, I’ve started with this lovely piece of wall art.

Printable wall art is really awesome in that it’s easy, beautiful, and in this case, free.  Just grab yourself a frame or DIY yourself up a pretty one.

I am so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers free printable wall art


Just click on the image to get your pdf.  Easy as pie. Pumpkin Pie.  See what I did there?


Also, this would make a great gift.

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