Again, it’s no secret that I have a little thing for wreaths.  So when I just happened upon a nice little pile of bushel lids, I knew exactly what I was going to do with them.  And I love how this Rustic Sunflower Bushel Lid Wreath turned out.

Rustic Sunflower Bushel Lid Wreath DIY - Perfect Fall Garden Arts & Crafts

Looks good right?

Rustic Sunflower Bushel Lid Wreath

So, I have been getting my ‘art’ on lately, and it’s probably because of the season.  I love winter, I love spring, and I love summer. But there is something about Autumn that just totally wins me over.  I don’t know if it’s the colours, the temperatures, the feeling of change in the air, or what. But I find fall to be the most inspiring.  I still love looking at my World Where There Are Octobers wall art, and I am forcing myself to be satisfied with the summer we had, and move forward with all the autumn has to offer.

Part of our summer fun, however, did include a trip to our dear Friend’s Apple Orchard where I managed to walk away with a pile of bushel lids… What can I say?  My friends KNOW me. 

So, here’s what I used:

  • bushel lid
  • Tempra paint
  • paint brush
  • paper plate ( for the paint palette)
  • newspaper / old shirt / fitted sheet for the table drop cloth

And here’s how I created the Rustic Sunflower Bushel Lid Wreath

Rustic Sunflower Bushel Lid Wreath DIY - Perfect Fall Garden Arts & Crafts

Rustic Sunflower Bushel Lid Wreath

  1. Assemble materials and create a work space. Essentially I place a twin size fitted sheet over the kitchen table and voila!
  2. decide which side of the lid to paint – and lightly brush the dirt off.  
  3. Paint.  I started with the center of the flower – and I didn’t have any brown so I used green because I’m all resourceful like that.
  4. Then I added a row of yellow petals and then filled in a back row of orange petals
  5. And brought it outside to dry, which didn’t take very long.

Rustic Sunflower Bushel Lid Wreath DIY - Perfect Fall Garden Arts & Crafts


And now I just need to decide where to display it.

Rustic Sunflower Bushel Lid Wreath DIY - Perfect Fall Garden Arts & Crafts

If You Loved This

You’ll also want to get a closer look at our World Where There Are Octobers Wall Art Printable, and of course, our DIY Autumn Burlap Wreath, our DIY Halloween Ribbon Wreath, and I would be remiss if I didn’t include the fabulous Christmas Ball Wreath

Have a Happy Autum!

Rustic Sunflower Bushel Lid Wreath DIY - Perfect Fall Garden Arts & Crafts

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