A fun and easy way to spruce up your front door this Halloween – try this DIY Halloween Ribbon Wreath.  

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DIY Halloween Ribbon Wreath

I like to keep the Halloween decor a little more fun and friendly, and a little shy of creepy.  Maybe that will change as I mature, grow up and get older – but until then, it’s happy Jack O’Lanterns and cookie monsters for me.

DIY Halloween Ribbon Wreath Tutorial



Before we get started, I wanted to share photos of the steps along the way.  The photos I am sharing are from a ribbon wreath I made for a baby shower door prize – so the ribbon is not the same, but the method is.  Also, the photos are old, were taken in not so great light, but get the point across.  

  1. Cut a piece of elastic cord, 5 – 8 inches long
  2. Secure that cord around the wreath formDIY Halloween Ribbon Wreath Attaching the Elastic Cord
  3. Wrap the wreath with the tulle or wide ribbon, overlapping as you go, so that you cover all of the white spaceDIY Halloween Ribbon Wreath Wrapping the Wreath in Tulle or Wide Ribbon
  4. Be sure to secure your elastic cord while wrapping, but leave the top of the elastic cord loop free ( this is how you will hang your wreathDIY Halloween Ribbon Wreath Wrapping the Wreath in Tulle or Wide Ribbon
  5. Cut your ribbon to 3 inch lengthsDIY Halloween Ribbon Wreath Cut the Ribbon into lengths for making loops
  6. Fold ribbon into loops, and secure the loops to the wreath form with pinsDIY Halloween Ribbon Wreath Loops of Ribbon being secured with straight pins
  7. Pin the loops to the wreath in a random order, or a pattern, depending on your preference.  Fill in all the gaps with ribbon loops. Be sure to cover the front, inside of the circle and outside of the circle, but not the back of the circle.  Leaving the back free of loops will allow your wreath to site nice and flat against your door

Happy Halloween

DIY Halloween Ribbon Wreath


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