When it comes to knitting, I like big results. I like to finish up quick, and roll around in that instant gratification that settles over you when you start and then finish something.

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Big Colour, Big Stitches, Big Fun the Big Hat Free Knitting Pattern and Tutorial

The BIG Hat – printable pattern

Big Stitches = Big Hat

There are two ways to achieve instant gratification when knitting, you can either choose a small item to make, like a dishcloth, or some adorable yarn hearts, or a child’s hat.  Alternatively, you could use big needles and / or big yarn.  Using both larger needles and a bulky, or super bulky yarn of course gets you to the home plate even quicker – and prepare to be shocked – using large needles and multiple strands of the biggest yarn you can find will have you sipping wine by the fire in no time.  If you are new to knitting, I totally think you should start here ( clicking on the link will bring you to our How to Knit Series, which you are going to love ).

Big Hat Knitting Pattern


wyif = hold yarn in front as if to purl

This is worked before the slip stitch, and then the yarn is moved to the back, to knit the next stitch.



Hat ( brim and rise)

Cast on 40 stitches

Row 1: *K1, wyif, Sl1; repeat from*

Row 2: Purl

Row 3: *wyif, Sl1, K1; repeat from *

Row 4: Purl

Repeat Rows 1-4 until piece measures 17″ from cast on edge, ending with a purl row.

Knit 20 sts.  You will now have 20 stitches on each needle.  Fold one side over, as shown in the picture below, and work a three needle bind off:



Big Colour, Big Stitches, Big Fun

Three Needle Bind Off ( crown)

After knitting the first 20 stitches, and folding one side over on the other, right sides together, bind off as follows:

  1. Use the third needle, and insert into the first stitch on the front needle and the first stitch on the back needle, and knit these stitches together.
  2. Repeat with the next stitch on both the front and back needles, knitting these stitches off the needle together.
  3. Slip the first stitch on the right needle over the second stitch on the right needle as you normally would to bind off.  
  4. Repeat until you have one stitch left, and secure your last stitch.


Sew up the side seam, turn right side out, and add a tassel  Secure the tassel to the top corners of the hat for a cozy slouchy big hat.

Big Colour = Big Hat

When I created this pattern, I didn’t know what to call it.  But the overall bigness of the hat is what prevailed, and since this hat is so big, with such big colour, and such big stitches, it seemed remiss to ignore it.  The Big Hat was born.

And how could I forget – this topper also sports a great big tassel !

Big Colour, Big Stitches, Big Fun the Big Hat Free Knitting Pattern and Tutorial


More Great Hats

If you love this hat, you’ll adore our super chic Lumberjack Hat for Kids, and our oh so sweet Pom Pom Hat for Kids

See all of our knitting patterns here and join me as I struggle with crochet (ing) is that a word?

And of course, there’s always our newsletter… 

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 See you around.

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