There is over four feet of snow on the garden, but yes, you guessed it – it’s time to start thinking about what you are going to plant, and where. I have put together this Garden Plot Layout free for you to use (just click on it and print it out) to help with the planning.

Garden Plot Layout - Free Printable

 Garden Plot – Click on the link to get your free pdf. version – just print and use the garden layout planner to get started on your garden plan for this upcoming growing season!

Why use a  Garden Plot Layout?

Well that’s easy.  Knowing what you have room for is a fundamental part of gardening.  You can plant and harvest peas early, and depending on what your season is like you may be able to plant something else once you have harvested your peas….  Beats and radishes are another thing that are quick to harvest. 

You may want to grow enough fresh vegetables to sell at a local market – which I totally encourage! – but do you have the room for it?

It’s always helpful to have a plan.

How to Use your  Garden Plot Layout

So click and print the Garden Plot and decide on a scale to match your own garden.

A couple of pointers – keep your tallest plants to the north.  You don’t want your beans plants for example to shade out your carrots. 

If you have a spot on your garden that has a softer more sandy soil, use that spot for your carrots, not your squash. 

When drawing out your plan, consider the same space can be re-used after harvesting one item, and keep in mind staggering your plantings.  You can have two rows dedicated to onions, and keep fresh onions in supply all season long, if you plan on seeding onions in half of one row every week or two.  Make sure you give yourself time for keeping these empty spaces weed free however, and our Weekly Garden Maintenance Planner  that I told you about here can totally help you with that that.

Looking for More Free Garden Printables?

Track Your Garden Progress with this FREE Vegetable Journal Printable.

Keep On Top Of The Gardening  with a FREE Weekly Gardening Maintenance Planner.

Vegetable Planting Schedule: Cauliflower with this FREE Planting Schedule – Starting Indoors

Keep in touch

Got any questions?  I would be happy to help out!  Send me an email, send us a message on via Facebook, or write us a letter….

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