In anticipation of Earth Day (and a deliciously fruitful spring and summer) I thought it fitting that we celebrate some of the creatures who make it all possible.  Imagine how hard it would be to get things growing, if you had to do all of the pollinating yourself?  Yikes.  

Here are the Top Ten Bee and Butterfly crafts to celebrate Earth Day,  and they are perfect for introducing big topics like environmental awareness to little ones, and to fuel their interest in gardening, growing things, and caring for the earth.

Top Ten Ways to Celebrate Earth Day, Crafts, Activities and More, for kids and families with these fun bee and butterfly crafts from Nemcsok Farms.

“You Never Can Tell With Bees”

I can not think of bees without thinking of Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree.  You know, where he rolls in the mud, and borrows Christopher Robin’s umbrella – all because he has run out of honey?  What would we have to do, if collectively, we all ran out of honey?  

So here is a collection of my favourite bee and butterfly crafts!  

Bee Crafts

Pine Cone Bumble Bee – Rainy Day Mum
Thumbprint Honey Bee Hive – Artsy Craftsy Mom
Paper Plate Bumble Bee Craft – Teaching Mama
Simple Bumble Bee Art Project – Buggy and Buddy
Egg Carton Bumble Bees – Nemcsok Farms

Butterfly Crafts

Butterfly Sun Catcher – Sparkling Buds
Thumbprint Butterfly Cards – Mommy Crusader
DIY Spring Stamps – Sunny Day Family
Butterfly Craft from Magazine Pages – There’s Just One Mommy
Monarch Butterfly Symmetry Art – Buggy and Buddy


Top Ten Ways to Celebrate Earth Day, Crafts, Activities and More, for kids and families

Top Ten Earth Day Favourites 

Top 10 Exciting Earth Day Books for Kids from Artsy Momma

Top 10 Earth Day Sensory Experiences by Mom Inspired Life

Top 10 Beautiful Earth Crafts for Kids from I Heart Crafty Things

Top 10 Learning Resources for Earth Day from Something 2 Offer

Top 10 Simple Outdoor Spaces for Kids Messy Little Monster

Top 10 Quick and Healthy Earth Day Recipes Words n Needles



Check out our All About Bugs roundup for the web’s best bug posts, as well as our other eco-friendly crafts, like these Paper Plate Ladybugs, & Gift Wrap Frogs, and then head over to our Simple Living Section


Get Green, Crafty & Creative for Earth Day
If you enjoyed this post, you will love our book, Green, Crafty & Creative. Featuring 70 family and environmentally-friendly tips, crafts and activities from 10 different contributors, it is full of awesome inspiration for Earth Day fun. Green, Crafty & Creative is available for purchase in e-bookpaperback and Kindle formats, starting for as low as  $4.99.
Top Ten Ways to Celebrate Earth Day, Crafts, Activities and More, for kids and families

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