There is something just so totally comforting about homemade candy. I mean, when we think about homemade foods, often it is stews and casseroles and obviously, cookies that come to mind.  But really, homemade candy is on a level of awesomeness all on its own! And yep, peanut brittle has been on the top of the things to beg your Mom to make list for a long time, and I really don’t see that changing anytime soon.

But brittle can be so much more than just plain old peanut brittle.  Now don’t get me wrong, I love me some classic peanut brittle.  However, you’ve got to consider walnuts, brownies, pecans, pumpkin seeds, and even bacon as some key ingredients to switching up your brittle recipes.  Literally, there are millions, no billions of brittle recipes out there, (well it’s gotta be close!) but we’re going to keep our list at fifteen – so here are 15 Unbelievably Awesome Brittle Recipes! 

15 Absolutely Brilliant Brittle Recipes Awesome Homemade Comfort with Awesome Homemade Baking and Candy Making

15 Unbelievably Awesome Brittle Recipes

Homemade Peanut Brittle by Bunny’s Warm Oven

Three Seed Brittle by Weelicious

Salted Rosemary Pecan Brittle by Bakerita

Walnut Brittle with Cinnamon and Cloves by Rachel Cooks

Caramel Apple Cookie Brittle by Clarks Condensed

Brownie Brittle by Food Folks and Fun

Chocolate Peanut Brittle by Our Best Bites

Sweet and Spicy Peanut Brittle by A Beautiful Mess

Bourbon Peanut Brittle by Restless Chipotle

Tropical Toffee Brittle by Home Cooking Memories

Roasted Pumpkin Seed Brittle by Bless this Mess

Bacon Almond Brittle with Vanilla Beans by How Sweet It Is

Chocolate Chip Cookie Brittle with Pecans and Coconut by Five Heart Home

Fah Sung Thong (Peanut and Sesame Brittle) by Roti & Rice

S’more Brownie Brittle by Lolly Jane

15 Absolutely Brilliant Brittle Recipes Awesome Homemade Comfort with Awesome Homemade Baking and Candy Making

Love this collection?

Be sure to check out our other Collections as well, like these 15 Unbelievably Good Zucchini Recipes and The Best Rhubarb Recipes. And don’t even think about leaving without discovering 51 Ways to Love Bananas 😉

15 Absolutely Brilliant Brittle Recipes Awesome Homemade Comfort with Awesome Homemade Baking and Candy Making

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