Project: Recycle & Create.  Take a predetermined recyclable item, and create something fabulous with it.  The recyclable: fabric scraps.  The something fabulous: Fabric Fairy Houses.  

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DIY Fairy House with fabric scraps

And really, what could be sweeter than a Fairy House?  Why, one you make yourself, using fabric scraps of course.  But you knew I was going to say that, didn’t you?  

Fabric Fairy House

So, this project requires some sewing skills, and would be ideally done with a machine.  If you don’t have a machine, don’t sweat it.  It is a small  project, and you could totally do it by hand if you wanted to.  Don’t let the instructions in the patterns intimidate you.  When it comes to sewing I am by no means an expert, nor am I a seamstress – there was this one time, I was trying to make pajama pants, and I sewed the outside seams of each leg together.  Can you picture that?  You could not get in the pants.  They looked more like vent tubing. 


What you will need for this project is a pile of fabric scraps.  You can see from the picture I used many different scraps.  They varied in colours and textures.  The green roof is a flannel and the underside of the roof is part of a very old pillowcase.  Fabric scraps are lurking in every corner… 

Get yourself a good pattern – I like this one From McCall’s Fairy Houses – but any that you may have already will do.

Sewing notions like thread, scissors, needles


When using a pattern, cut out the pieces from the pattern, in the largest size possible if there are multiple sizes.  In this case, it’s a one size fits all fairies kinda deal, so that part is easy.

If you are new to sewing, as I said before, don’t get intimidated by all terms, symbols and sketches.  If you were say, making a wedding dress for your best friend, I might suggest to take it a bit more seriously, but really, it’s supposed to be fun.  There is nothing at all wrong with a good home made mistake here and there.  Nothing like authenticity, right?

So use the instructions your pattern comes with, and cut out all of the pieces, and then sew them together as the pattern instructs.  If you make a mistake, don’t panic.  Either rip out those stitches, and redo, or look a little bit ahead to see how your mistake might not matter.

When your project is complete, place the finished house somewhere near a window in your home, so the fairies can see that there is a vacancy.  

DIY Fairy House with fabric scraps

Project: Recycle & Create

Hop over to see more fantastic scrap fabric recycle and create ideas!

scrap fabric




























From left to right:

Rainbow Scrap Fabric Wreath by Teach me Mommy
Pictures from Scrap Fabric by Peakle Pie
Fabric Fairy House by Nemscok Farms
Fabric Garland by Playdough & Popsicles
Pompom Monsters by Words n Needles
Fairy Wands by Play Learn Everyday
Scrap Fabric Wreath by The Gingerbread House
Cloth Pencil Holder by Kidz Activities
Fabric Scraps Posting Game by Powerful Mothering(not shown)

Scrap Fabric Paper Dolls by Mum in the Madhouse(not shown)


If you Love these ideas, You’ll want to get a copy of

Green, Crafty & Creative

If you enjoyed this post, you will love our book, Green, Crafty & Creative. Featuring 70 family and environmentally-friendly tips, crafts and activities from 10 different contributors, it is full of awesome inspiration for Earth Day fun. Green, Crafty & Creative is available for purchase in e-bookpaperback and Kindle formats, starting for as low as  $4.99.

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