You’re going to want to try this.  Remember how pleased I was with myself over the wooden spoon trick?  Well, just wait till you see how we made this super cute easter bunny paper plate craft.  You’re really going to want to try this.

Easter Bunny Paper Plate Craft for Kids and Families to celebrate and decorate for Easter

A long time ago, but not too long ago, I worked in a coffee shop as a baker and coffee slinger.  Before I carry on with how to make these adorable, and brilliant – let’s not forget brilliant – Easter Bunnies, let me just say, that if you have never worked in a restaurant serving people, or if you’ve never pumped gas to earn your keep – you should seriously consider doing so.  I have learned some of the best things ever during my tenures in the service sector.  

During my time as a baker in the previously mentioned restaurant, I was taught how to make an 8″ round cake look like the Easter Bunny. Enter the epiphany like experience…. if you can make a flat, round cake look like a bunny, you can make a flat round plate, look like a bunny as well.

Easter Bunny Paper Plate Craft

I had to test my theory to be sure, and sure enough, it worked!  And oh the fun we had painting up these cute creatures! And in case you were wondering, my brilliant ideas didn’t run out at the cutting of the paper plates, check out how we attached our Bunny’s whiskers. 


  • paper plates
  • marker
  • scissors
  • paint and brushes
  • pipe cleaners
  • brad fasteners
  • googly eyes
  • whole punch
  • the usual smocks / table covering 


  1. Use one paper plate to trace two arcs onto the other paper plate, leaving an hour glass shape in the center.  Like in the photo here:Easter Bunny Paper Plate Craft for Kids and Families to celebrate and decorate for Easter
  2. Cut along the arcs, and you are left with two almond shapes, and one hour glass.  Or, two bunny ears, and one bow tie.  See? I told you it was brilliant.
  3. Paint the ears and facial features as you like.  I suggested to the Little Helpers that they paint the bow ties as bright and as colourful as they could.
  4. Use a brad fastener to hold the pipe cleaners together at the center ( pictured in the bottom left frame below) and carefully poke that through the paper plate where you want the whiskers to be.  Open up the brad fastener to keep in place.
  5. Glue googly eyes, or paint your own if you don’t happen to have any googly eyes.  We have been known to use felt circles to make googly eyes in a pinch
  6. Use the whole punch to make holes where you want to fasten the ears and bow tie, on the plate that is the face, and then make corresponding holes  on the ear and bow tie pieces, and again, use the brad fasteners to attach those.  I highly recommend witing until the paint is dry before trying to punch holes.  

Easter Bunny Paper Plate Craft for Kids and Families to celebrate and decorate for Easter


Love this Craft?

This Easter Bunny Paper Plate Craft really was a lot of fun to make.  If you liked it, you should see all the other crafts we get into using recyclables, like these Gift Paper Frogs, and Scrap Fabric Fairy House, and this Easy Paper Plate Craft is too cute and too simple to pass up.  And that is not all I can do, that is not all…



Follow Evelyne @ Nemcsok Farms’s board Nemcsok Farms on Pinterest. 


Easter Bunny Paper Plate Craft for Kids and Families to celebrate and decorate for Easter


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