One of the best ways to improve on your garden in this growing season, and in future growing seasons, is to know what happened in your garden during the last growing season.  Use a Track Your Garden’s Progress Vegetable Journal to record all the fun and fine details of your garden – and I’ve created just the thing for you! 

printable Garden Journal to record your garden's progress

Vegetable Journal Printable to Track Your Garden’s Progress

Vegetable Journals are FREE! This is a ten page PDF free printable, that you are welcome to print and use, to keep track of your garden’s growth.

These can be fun for very young gardeners also! 

Use the main section to record the date, the height of your plant, whether or not is has blossomed, and then if has developed fruit or vegetables yet.

Use the additional details portion to record anything special with the plants – have you used any special fertilizers?  Have you spotted any aphids, or slugs on them?  Have you enlisted any special measures to protect them? 

Vegetable Journals for Predicting Future Years and Yields

It’s not too late to start, in fact, everybody has to start somewhere.  Print out the journal, and have it ready when you are able to get into your garden this year.  This is a great task to assign your little helpers.

Next year you’ll be able to consult what did well, and what didn’t.  You will be able to compare actual frost dates, and what , if any, additives you used in your garden, and what, if any, special pests you had to deal with.

Don’t forget about our other handy dandy garden planning tools:


And did you know?  You can find us on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Bloglovin‘  Check it out.  Plus, there’s always our newsletter!

Send us your thoughts!  Got a gardening or farming quandary?  Ask away!  

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