The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough – Rabindranath Tagore

How To Build A Butterfly Garden with Flowers and Other Essentials for Butterflies

Everybody loves butterflies, and why not?  They are amazing and delightful little creatures that can entertain us for entire mornings and afternoons.  They also happen to be some serious pollinators which means having them around your yard, gardens and property will keep things growing!

You want to attract the butterflies to your garden and convince them to stay.   Like any home, when building your butterfly garden you need to consider food, water and shelter.  

Favourite Foods for Butterflies

Some great flower choices for pollinators are Columbine – a hardy perennial that blooms in spring and summer, Delphinium – a hardy and tall perennial that also blooms in spring and summer, and Echinacea altogether not my favourite flower.  They can take over, like dandelions and aren’t much to look at before they bloom.  Hollyhocks are very tall also, they can grow up to nine feet, and are hardy perennials and quite elegant, and Lupins are very hardy, and quite unique and their foliage is quiet lovely.

How To Build A Butterfly Garden with Flowers and Other Essentials for Butterflies
From the top, lupins, cornflower, delphiniums, echinacea, columbine and hollyhocks

Butterfly Garden Creature Comforts

Besides those great big juicy flowers, butterflies love to sun themselves, and they also need water.

Add large flat rocks to the garden you’re building for them, and include a few small dishes of water, or a birdbath. Keep the Butterfly Garden chemical free, it’s better for everyone.

How To Build A Butterfly Garden with Flowers and Other Essentials for Butterflies

Love this garden?

We’ve collected a rainbow’s worth of flowers from Purple Flowers, Blue Flowers and Flowers that have amazing Foliage to the Warmer Blooms of Yellow, Orange and Red.  See how to give your Garden A Fairy Tale Look, and be sure to check out our fun and informative round up of 30 Ways to Fall in Love with Flowers


For More Lovely Gardening Ideas 

DIY Garden Markers Inspired by Lois Ehlert | Playground Parkbench

Invitation to Cut Fresh Flowers –  Crafty Kids at Home

Free Printable Garden Markers | Sunny Day Family

1 thought on “How To Build A Butterfly Garden”

  1. Thank you for sharing the flowers selection and other information about butterflies. I look forward to reading more information you post.

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