Do you happen to have any people in your home that insist on having mac and cheese, every meal, every day? 

Perfectly easy and healthy guilt free better than mac and cheese cheese sauce.

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m totally not here to judge.  If you want to eat mac and cheese every day every meal, do it.  I am all for keeping the peace at the dinner table, and making concessions.

However, and here is the kicker, I do not like mac and cheese.  I am not a fan of the brand name variety, nor the other cheaper versions.  But my little ones are, and from what I can tell, they are not alone.

Moving Beyond the Mac and Cheese

I hear a lot of parents feeling guilty about caving into the mac and cheese.  I hear a lot of parents wishing their children liked other foods, healthier foods.  Well, they will.  They will learn to like new foods, other foods.  Healthier foods.  They just need more practice.  So put that guilt away, and keep being the amazing parents that you are.

Now, there are two things you can do to make this phase of life even more awesome.  First, embrace and celebrate the mac and cheese.  It is so fast and so easy to make, you get more time to do other stuff. Second, change it up a little.  Try homemade varieties. I know what you’re thinking…

Kids Can’t Be Fooled

That’s right.  I know.  I have tried baked mac and cheese, mac and cheese with a yummy crumbly topping.  Mac and cheese in the croc pot… with veggies.  Without.  Add some ground beef.  Nothing.  There is no winning over the mac and cheese crowds.  Until now.

Perfectly easy and healthy guilt free better than mac and cheese cheese sauce.

Homemade Better Than Mac and Cheese Cheese Sauce

That’s right. This Cheese Sauce served over pasta has quickly become even more popular than the mac and cheese we love to shun.  It’s super easy to make, and you can serve it over your favourite pasta.  A perfectly healthy and guilt free meal.

Homemade Cheese Sauce
Win over the mac and cheese crowds with this perfectly easy and healthy guilt free better than mac and cheese cheese sauce.
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  1. 2 tbsp. butter
  2. 1/4 cup flour
  3. 2 cups milk
  4. 2 cups shredded cheese
  5. Salt and Pepper to taste
  1. Melt the butter in a heavy pot
  2. Whisk in the flour, a bit at a time, creating a paste
  3. Add the milk slowly, whisking the entire time
  4. Bring to a boil, whisking continually, to avoid scorching, and let boil atleast a minute. Reduce heat and continue to cook until thick
  5. 5. Add cheese, and stir until melted
  6. 6. Season with salt and pepper
  1. You can use your favourite cheese for this recipe. I have experimented quite a bit, and have found that either an old cheddar or Monterey jack gives the sauce a nice taste, without being too much for sensitive palates.

Perfectly easy and healthy guilt free better than mac and cheese cheese sauce.

Follow Evelyne @ Nemcsok Farms’s board Nemcsok Farms on Pinterest.

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