Quick Knit Hand Knit Hearts for Valentine's Day - or any other day you want to share the love

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Gardening Books for Beginners and Experts

11 of the best gardening books for beginners and experts alike. Vegetables, flowers and herb gardening, container and square foot gardening and journalling.

There are a multitude of things to consider when planning out your garden. Generally speaking soil types, as well as sun vs. shade, and climate are top of the list.

Keep on top of the Gardening

An easy to use Weekly Gardening Maintenance Planner is a great way way to keep on top of the gardening. It’s all about having a plan,right?

Fantastic Foliage For Your Summer Garden

Choose these plants for foliage and more green space in your garden

  & The Summer Garden Blog Hop In honour of the Summer Garden (yes, Summer will come soon) and in continuation of our colour series, I’ve put together a list