Quick Knit Hand Knit Hearts for Valentine's Day - or any other day you want to share the love

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Square Foot Gardening: Template Printable

A desktop with a computer, cup of coffee, pencils and a copy of the square food garden plant spacing chart template printable planner

IF ever there was a time to be investing in a vegetable garden, this is probably it. There are some limitations to growing your own food, such as weather, length of

Get Crafty with Paper Plate Ladybugs

What road is it that is paved with good intentions?  I am chalk full of good intentions… and also exceptionally forgetful.  I originally attempted to purchase red paper plates for

Gift Paper Frogs

Recycle Gift Paper into these adorable origami frogs with googly eyes

Project: Recycle & Create.  Take a predetermined recyclable item, and create something fabulous with it.  The recyclable: gift paper.  The something fabulous: Gift Paper Frogs.   (this post contains an