Seems easy, right?  Mashed potatoes?  Cook, mash, eat?  Read on my friends, read on.
No lumps, no bumps, no fail mashed potatoes.

Want to have mashed potatoes what are smooth, and tasty, without lumps?  No – you don’t have to whip them – there are two things you need to know to have no lumps, no bumps, no fail mashed potatoes.

No fail mashed potatoes tip #1

Select your potatoes, peel and chop them.  This is key point numero uno.  Don’t just throw the whole potato in the pot, and don’t just cut them in half either.  Chop them. Dice them.  Make the pieces small.  This accomplishes two things – shorter cooking time, and smaller pieces for mashing, hence a smoother texture.
No lumps, no bumps, no fail mashed potatoes.

Next, fill a pot with water, add the chopped potatoes, a dash or two of salt, and bring to a boil.
Turn down the heat so that you don’t  have spill overs, but keep the potatoes cooking in boiling water until they are soft.  Take a fork and try to spear the chopped potatoes – if you can do it easily, you’re ready.  They must be soft.

No fail mashed potatoes tip #2

Mash them. A lot.  Use a potato masher, and mash them.  Add butter or margarine, your choice, I’m not judgy.  Add milk, as much as you wish, but try a little at a time, and mash them.    You can not overdo it.  You CAN underdo it, and that’s when you’ll get the lumpy bumpy potatoes. 
No lumps, no bumps, no fail mashed potatoes.

Stir in some garlic salt and onion powder, garnish with some chives, and you have yourself a bowl of the smoothest mashed potatoes in the world. 
No lumps, no bumps, no fail mashed potatoes.

Before you go make sure you check out the Recipes page for all sorts of other fresh from the garden recipes, and you may also be interested in how to perfectly hardboil eggs!


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