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Knitting Bind Off Methods - Part 4 of Our How To Knit Series. A step by step tutorial to show you how to do the basic knitting stitches, from casting on to binding off
May 3, 2016 0 Comments 4 tags

You guys, we need to talk about knitting bind off methods.  You have all been awesome in following along with the How to Cast On, Knit and Purl Now what?  You’ve

Quick Hand Knit Hearts for Valentine’s Day

Quick Knit Hand Knit Hearts for Valentine's Day - or any other day you want to share the love
January 28, 2016 0 Comments 4 tags

Hand Knit these delightful hearts for Valentine’s Day.  They make great napkins for little ones, coasters, decorations and even play things. Hand Knit Hearts This is a great stash buster

When the tomatoes are ripe

October 11, 2014 0 Comments 2 tags

 From the Garden Recipe for Salsa with Fresh Tomatoes   Fall is a beautiful time of year, a crafter’s dream I often say.  It is also, a very very busy