DIY Halloween Ribbon Wreath Wrapping the Wreath in Tulle or Wide Ribbon

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ReUse Anything to Start Your Seedlings

Upcycle, Recycle, Reuse Anything and Everything from newspaper to plastic jugs to start your seedlings
April 9, 2015 0 Comments 4 tags

 Pick through your recycling bin for your next set of pots for Seed Starting – Grow food, save the world.  And money, save money.       That’s right, anything. If

DIY Wavy Washcloth

DIY crochet pattern for hand made wash clothes
March 29, 2015 0 Comments 6 tags

 I have invited my dear friend, the lovely and the talented Ashley, to come and teach me how to crochet.  I’ll let her get on with the details.  By the

Fresh Pumpkin Fudge

Rich Creamy Fudge made with Fresh Pumpkin Puree perfect for gift giving or indulging. Like a whole lot of pumpkin pie stuffed into one tiny piece of fudge
August 26, 2015 0 Comments 10 tags

  I’m not kidding.  The great big taste of pumpkin pie, wrapped up in a sweet little indulgent square of fudge.  This pumpkin fudge is the ultimate in pumpkin desserts.