It truly doesn’t get much better than this.  A super easy soda bread garnished with dried cranberries, and we’re on our way to a terrific week.

Cranberry 'Freckles' sweeten up this super easy soda bread and it's perfect for snacking, and just as special with a cup of coffee.

Easy to make and a super healthy snack, with a fun name.  What more could you ask for? 

We Love Cranberries!

We actually have an entire post dedicated to all things cranberry. I highly recommend it.  Plus there is our famous Cranberries, Sauced.  You’ll want to read that one too.  

A little more exciting than raisins, but not as sweet as apricots and pineapples, cranberries are by far our dried fruit of choice.  Fresh and frozen cranberries are equally good too, and I’ll share some of my recipes that use fresh / frozen whole berries with you soon.  Why not sign up for our newsletter, so you are sure to not miss out.

Cranberry Freckle Bread


Cranberry Freckle Bread
A super easy soda bread made with tasty dried cranberries - perfect for St. Patrick's Day celebrations!
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  1. 3 3/4 cups flour
  2. 1/4 cup brown sugar
  3. 1 tbsp. baking powder
  4. 1 tsp. baking soda
  5. 1/2 tsp. salt
  6. 2 cups buttermilk
  7. 1 egg
  8. 1 cup dried cranberries
  1. Preheat oven to 375 F
  2. In large bowl mix flour, sugar, powder, salt, and soda.
  3. In separate bowl, mix milk with eggs.
  4. Stir the milk mixture into the flour mixture. The dough will be quite soft.
  5. Fold in cranberries.
  6. On lightly floured surface, turn dough out, and knead - but not too much. Eight times should do it.
  7. Shape into a round loaf, cut an 'X' on the top center, place on baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and bake 45 to 50 minutes.
  1. Make 2 cups of lemon juice by using two tbsp. lemon juice and add milk to equal 2 cups


Cranberry 'Freckles' sweeten up this super easy soda bread and it's perfect for snacking, and just as special with a cup of coffee.

A Tested Favourite

Like all of the recipes I share with you, this is a tried and true favourite.  I have been making this for years, and have tweaked it to perfection.  

See our other family favourites here, and for heaps of other great food ideas and recipes follow us on Pinterest and now see all our up to the minute fun on Instagram.

Cranberry 'Freckles' sweeten up this super easy soda bread and it's perfect for snacking, and just as special with a cup of coffee.

Follow Evelyne @ Nemcsok Farms’s board Great Food Ideas and Recipes on Pinterest.

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