DIY Burlap Wreath
July 18, 2016
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DIY Nature Gifts in A Jar

Project: Recycle & Create. Take a predetermined recyclable item, and create something fabulous with it. The recyclable: glass jars. The something fabulous: DIY Nature Gifts in a Jar. I
Winter Pot Roast

This is good. Capital G good. This was so good, in fact, I was eating it cold off of the serving plate there were hardly any leftovers. This recipe for a
3 Stitch Twist Blanket Square Knitting Pattern

This 3 Stitch Twist Blanket Square is part of a Knit-A-Long with my friends Marie from Underground Crafter, Pia from Stitches āNā Scraps, Joanita from Creative Crochet Workshop, and 9 other knitting