Super Cute Owl Craft made from recyclable egg cartons

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Vegetable Planting Schedule for Peppers

Vegetable Planting Guide for Tomatoes and Growing Tips for Fresh Garden Peppers

& GROWING TIPS Now tell me, what is more impressive than someone growing their own peas, corn, and lettuce, and serving it up all fresh and fancy, and all nutritious and stuff?

Give Your Garden a Fairy Tale Look

Give Your Garden a Fairy Tale Look by Planting Lupines

  “and when she saw lupine flowers blooming outside her window, she knew just what she would do to make the world a more beautiful place”  Barbara Cooney, Miss Rumphius

How to Knit Part 1: How to Cast On

As soon as you master ‘casting on’, you’re going to want to move on to the knit stitch, and as soon as you get that down pat, you’re going to