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Homemade Angel Food Cake

Homemade Angel Food Cake from scratch - healthy and delicious and not nearly as hard as you might think!

Homemade Angel Food Cake is one of my most favourite things to eat ever in the history of ever!  I have no issue with the store bought varieties at all,

Homemade Apple Pie

Homemade Apple Pie Recipe perfect any of time of year, super simple to make for every day dessert, and delightful enough to serve on special occassions

It’s pretty hard to go wrong with Apple Pie, and there is a reason for the expression easy as pie – because it is so, so easy to make.  Even

Brilliant Cornucopia

Horn of Plenty Cornucopia Craft for Kids ( and adults!) for Thanksgiving

I can’t believe I didn’t think of this sooner! This super smart Horn of Plenty Cornucopia craft for Thanksgiving is brilliant!      The Horn of Plenty is used to