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Knit Kit for Beginners – What You Actually Need

Knit Kit of essentials for new beginners. These are things that you will actually need , and you will find them useful

Remember when you announced to your friends and family that you were going to have a baby?  You were bombarded with tons of stuff and suggestions for things you didn’t

Homemade Gingersnap Cookie Recipe

Homemade Gingersnap Cookie Recipe - a soft nostalgic favourite homemade cookie perfect for fall

Looking for a cookie recipe that is easy to make, tastes amazing, and reminds you of all that is good in the world?  We have you covered.  Because this version of

Intro to Botany : Cells and Tissues

Introduction to Botany - A high level look at the basic cell structure of plants. Botany 101 starting at the beginning with cells and tissues

While I study to become a master gardener and take a high-level look at some basic botany, I was hoping that some of you might like to geek out with me.