DIY crochet pattern for hand made wash clothes

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5 Ways to Use Sprinklers

Best Ways to Use Sprinklers in your yard and garden from irrigation to enjoyment to protection
April 27, 2016 0 Comments 5 tags

5 Ways to Use Sprinklers, and it’s not just for irrigation! The Most Obvious Use For Sprinklers Again, this is going to vary depending on perspective and general outlook.  If

MiniĀ PB and Chocolate Cups

Homemade Mini Chocolate and Peanut Butter Cups
July 20, 2015 0 Comments 3 tags

  Homemade mini peanut butter cups with chocolate. I mean really – do I need to say anything else?    Peanut Butter Cups When I was a kid, I kid

Scrap Fabric Fairy House

DIY Fairy House with fabric scraps
February 26, 2016 0 Comments 4 tags

Project: Recycle & Create.  Take a predetermined recyclable item, and create something fabulous with it.  The recyclable: fabric scraps.  The something fabulous: Fabric Fairy Houses.   (this post contains an