Horn of Plenty Cornucopia Craft for Kids ( and adults!) for Thanksgiving

Horn of Plenty Cornucopia Craft for Kids ( and adults!) for Thanksgiving

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Earth Day Ideas – Crafts and DIYs

Rock Earth Day with these awesome ideas for crafts and DIYs. Upcycle something fabulous, create something stunning and Do It Yourself proud.

Rock Earth Day with these awesome ideas for crafts and DIYs. Upcycle something fabulous, create something stunning and Do It Yourself proud. Earth Day Up Cycles Hand Knit Rag Rug ā€“

Cascading Cables Blanket Square Pattern

Join in on the knitting fun with the Cascading Cables Blanket Square pattern and be part of the Harmony Blanket Knit-A-Long

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Homemade Ice Cream with Easter Candy

Homemade Ice Cream made with Easter Candy -

Homemade ice cream is pretty awesome, right?  Throw in some Easter candy and you’ve got a little treat perfect for springtime celebrations! Homemade Ice Cream For your convenience, this post contains