Rock Earth Day with these awesome ideas for crafts and DIYs. Upcycle something fabulous, create something stunning and Do It Yourself proud.

Rock Earth Day with these awesome ideas for crafts and DIYs. Upcycle something fabulous, create something stunning and Do It Yourself proud.

Earth Day Up Cycles

Hand Knit Rag Rug – by Nemcsok Farms

This upcycle was truly one of the most interesting projects I have taken on so far.  You can create your own also – just find an old bedsheet, and follow along with the tutorial.  

Globe Upcycle – by My Sister’s Suitcase

I have to say, I prefer a globe that looks like a globe.  Now that that is out of the way – this is a great way to decorate a thrift store or garage sale find of a damaged globe.  Plus – the way this one is done, is very earth day appealing.

Bottle Cap Flower – by Crafts by Amanda

How many of us fidget relentlessly with the bottle caps that come off the tops of our beverages?  Doesn’t this piece of garden art just give you total piece of mind?

Owl Craft Project – by Empress of Dirt

A stunning way to upcycle cardboard!  Anything owl-y automatically ranks as a fave around here – add an up cycle to the mix, and I’m totally sold!

Earth Day DIYs

DIY Tooth Brush Holder – by Shaken Together Life

Eliminate the toothbrush pileup that can result from a busy household!  Also, the theme of the toothbrush holder adds a gentle reminder to be mindful of the water waste at the sink!


Recycle Bin Labels – by Lia Griffith

Lovely, practical and printable.  A wonderful way to add a little character and a lot of style to your rubbish and recycling bins!

Cottage Chic Herb Garden – by the Gardening Cook

You really can’t go wrong with a DIY herb garden – and this one is cottage chic done in mason jars.  Keep your favourite fresh herbs at the ready, and make Mother Nature proud.


Rock Earth Day with these awesome ideas for crafts and DIYs. Upcycle something fabulous, create something stunning and Do It Yourself proud.

Earth Day Crafts

Globe Garland – by Poppy Talk

Origami projects are always a fun way to craft the day away, and when you can put this super fun earth day spin on it – well I am all for it!

Glass Globe Terrarium – by Stephanie Lynn

Not only perfect for Earth Day – these would also make pretty awesome DIY gifts for pretty much any person, and for any occasion.

Book Page Wreath – by the Gunny Sack

Stop. The. Press. I can not with any level of sincerity and good conscience suggest or support doing this to a book – but I can and wholly suggest doing it with other paper you can recycle – such as newspaper or old magazines.  




Rock Earth Day with these awesome ideas for crafts and DIYs. Upcycle something fabulous, create something stunning and Do It Yourself proud.


Love this Collection?  Get our Book

Green, Crafty & Creative is a collection of activities that are suitable for kids and families. There are creative crafts for kids that feature recycled materials like egg cartons and cardboard tubes. There are wonderful green crafts that use natural materials found right outside your doors such as leaves, pinecones, and shells. The book also includes many innovative ideas on how to make your home more eco-friendly: from brilliant DIY cleaners to easy gardening and composting instructions. You and your family will love getting Green, Crafty & Creative


The ebook is available from HERE – regular price $4.95 USD
And if you have a Kindle then we have you covered too! Get that HERE! for $9.14 CAD
Also, the paperback is available in Canada HERE

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