Eco Friendly Owl Crafts - using natural and or recyclable materials

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Top Ten Bee and Butterfly Crafts

In anticipation of Earth Day (and a deliciously fruitful spring and summer) I thought it fitting that we celebrate some of the creatures who make it all possible.  Imagine how

Scrap Fabric Fairy House

DIY Fairy House with fabric scraps

Project: Recycle & Create.  Take a predetermined recyclable item, and create something fabulous with it.  The recyclable: fabric scraps.  The something fabulous: Fabric Fairy Houses.   (this post contains an

Super Easy DIY Garden Markers

Incredibly smart, super easy DIY garden markers made with an upcycle that you are going to feel great about! And brilliant!

Sheer brilliance I tell ya. I made these super easy DIY garden markers with an upcycle and some sharpies. Also, I used a pair of scissors. Seriously. That is it.