Rhubarb Mini Muffins perfect for snacking, a light dessert and even breakfast!

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Top Knitting Patterns of 2016

Top Knitting Patterns of 2016 from the Messy Mom Bun Hat, to the Faux Cable Infinity Scarf to the Yoga Socks to the Snuggle Sack . You Need this list.
December 27, 2016 0 Comments 4 tags

2016 may have been a lot of things to a lot of people – and one thing we can say with certainty, is that is was decidedly not boring.  Even

Egg Carton Daffodils

Upcycle Egg Cartons into Beautiful Daffodils for a fun kid's craft to celebrate spring and nature
March 25, 2016 0 Comments 8 tags

Project: Recycle & Create.  Take a predetermined recyclable item, and create something fabulous with it.  The recyclable: egg cartons.  The something fabulous:   Feel free to ooh and aah all

Super Easy DIY Pumpkin Puree

October 14, 2014 0 Comments 2 tags

Well, for those of you who have been with me from the beginning, you will know that my garden didn’t survive the groundhogs this year.  The only thing planted that