DIY Farmhouse Planter - an elegant, simple, rustic yet luxe up-cycle that is easy on time, and easy on the budget!

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Earth Day Ideas – Crafts and DIYs

Rock Earth Day with these awesome ideas for crafts and DIYs. Upcycle something fabulous, create something stunning and Do It Yourself proud.

Rock Earth Day with these awesome ideas for crafts and DIYs. Upcycle something fabulous, create something stunning and Do It Yourself proud. Earth Day Up Cycles Hand Knit Rag Rug –

April Showers Printable Wall Art

April Showers and May Flowers free printable wall art. Easy DIY farmhouse style decor, perfect for framing and for gifting

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The Best Rhubarb Recipes Collection

Rhubarb Recipe Collection

Rhubarb is the ultimate perennial plant. Not only does it produce deliciously sweet red stalks, it it super easy to care for, has a reliable yield, and comes back year