Super Duper Knit Hats for Beginners

Super Duper Knit Hats for Beginners – a knitting pattern book perfect for new and experienced knitters!

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Egg Carton Ladybugs!

Super Cute Lady Bug Kids' Craft made of recycled egg cartons
July 30, 2014 0 Comments 4 tags

 I really wanted to do a ladybug craft.  I wanted it to be round, spherical,  and I didn’t want to spend a fortune on supplies either…       I

Egg Carton Daffodils

Upcycle Egg Cartons into Beautiful Daffodils for a fun kid's craft to celebrate spring and nature
March 25, 2016 0 Comments 8 tags

Project: Recycle & Create.  Take a predetermined recyclable item, and create something fabulous with it.  The recyclable: egg cartons.  The something fabulous:   Feel free to ooh and aah all

Homemade Angel Food Cake

Homemade Angel Food Cake from scratch - healthy and delicious and not nearly as hard as you might think!
June 5, 2016 0 Comments 9 tags

Homemade Angel Food Cake is one of my most favourite things to eat ever in the history of ever!  I have no issue with the store bought varieties at all,