DIY Fairy House with fabric scraps

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It’s Rhubarb Season

Up here in northern Ontario, seeds have been planted, some things may have healthy sprouts, and lots of the flowers are blooming.  Unless you have employed the use of a

Super Easy DIY Garden Markers

Incredibly smart, super easy DIY garden markers made with an upcycle that you are going to feel great about! And brilliant!

Sheer brilliance I tell ya. I made these super easy DIY garden markers with an upcycle and some sharpies. Also, I used a pair of scissors. Seriously. That is it.

Design A Composting System That Works

Design a Compost System that Really Works

 Composting is an environmentally friendly and sound way to deal with yard and food refuse, and to create nutrient rich additives for your garden.  However, it can be messy, inconvenient